WinestralaVeca 3 x 60ml bottles, 60 days cycle Test-direct 250 3 x 60ml bottles, 60 days cycle Sythentex GH 3 x 60 ml bottles , 60 days cycle Regular Price
Special Price : $ 385.80
Unless you’ve been living on an island these past few years, you know how the pro body-building scene operates. Year after year the guys just keep getting bigger, harder, and just downright more freaky. We assure you it’s not from any radical new training system either.
The barbells and dumbbells still weigh the same, and sets and reps form the basis of workout programs. What has changed over the years are the “little extras” that pro bodybuilders are putting into their bodies. Hopefully we don’t need to spell it out for you. Modern bodybuilding is based as much on pharmacology as it is on training. No doubt many readers may be tempted to dive straight into the murky world of bodybuilding drugs.
We caution against this, however. Meeting some guy named Bruno in a back alley carries a number of health hazards. At the very least, you may be wasting your hard-earned money on bogus drugs. You also run the risk of being set up by the DEA. Those and most other bodybuilding drugs are illegal, in case you didn’t know.
Synergy is the Key to maximum mass!The Super Bodybuilder Stack was created to maximize muscle gains in the same manner
as hard core illegal compounds without the same health and legal risks. To accomplish this the Super Bodybuilder Stack contains three products that when taken together produce what’s called a synergistic effect. Synergy is when two or more drugs magnify the others effects. Instead of 2+2=4 we get 2+2=6, 8,or any higher number.
By themselves, the products in the Super bodybuilder Stack will build you a great physique, but when all three are combined the results are out of this world. We’re talking pounds of striated muscle in mere weeks. You’ll also be lifting powerlifter-sized weights while having your body fat down in the single-digit.
Testicularone® to:
Produce record lifts on all your exercises!
Promote extremely ripped muscle definition!
Create animalist training intensity!
Dramatically increase your muscle mass!
Winestrala Veca® to:
Combat over training!
Increase anabolic reactions!
Decrease catabolic activity!
Maintain positive nitrogen balance!
Promote rapid muscle growth!
Strip away body fat!
Synthetex GH® to:
Utilize body fat as a fuel source
Strengthen muscle fibers
Maximize your growth potential
1. Mex Pharma assumes no liability for the use of any products supplied. Liability rests with purchaser who may use product under
the guidance of a licensed physician.
2. Purchaser is put on notice that Mex Pharma product and or products may compromise rules of sporting organizations that the
purchaser belongs to or is affiliated with.
3. Mex Pharma product is sold as a dietary supplement and not as a product intended to prevent, diagnose, mitigate, treat, or cure
disease. These statements have not been
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