Rodney Dill:
(Sign on Big Ernie's School of law.) Become a lawyer in your spare time. It's like Viagra for your whole body.
Buckley F. Williams:
Even though he went on to become arguably the most successful body builder of his era, Alfred E. Neumann was never able to completely distance himself from rampant allegations of steroid abuse.
"I'm happier than you!"
Honorable Mention #1
Pat Patterson:
"I don't think this fiber diet is working at all".
Honorable Mention #2
"...and for our silver medal winner is President Arroyo's deep-tissue massage and happy ending."
Honorable Mention #3
Rob B.:
It was the picture of sportsmanship at the 2005 Mrs. Butterworth's Asian Weightlifting and Spelling Bee Championships until Sahali realized that Michael's correct spelling of the word "daguerreotype" had ensured him victory and the coveted "Hi Hi Puffy AmiYmi" edition X-box 360.
Captioning is delicious and nutritious.
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Posted by Will Franklin · 14 December 2005 09:51 AM · Comments (20)
Trivia Tidbit Of The Day: Part 245 -- Media Defeatism On Iraq.
Bad News Bears MAKING The News-
We all know the media are extraordinarily biased. Sometimes I wonder if the emergence of blogs and talk radio and other alternative forms of media have actually made the bias worse in some ways. The establishment types feel they are just balancing the "right wing propaganda" out there with increasingly ridiculous news coverage. Meanwhile, the big, lefty, establishment guys continue to lose market share.
Could it be that people are sick of the gloom and doom defeatism, the hand-wringing, and the second-guessing?
As we found earlier this year, few stories (just five in two m
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